You will have to apply for authorization to travel to the US and you will have to do it electronically if you plan on traveling, it is an unwavering requirement.
Applying for an ESTA approval for travel to the US is required for all travelers to the US when they are coming from any of the Visa Waiver Program countries. The VWP countries are:
Before you ever embark on your travels you will need to apply for an authorization to travel to the US. The entire application is online and this may raise some personal information security for some people. Of course in today’s world worrying about entering your information online is not really an outlandish worry. Identity theft is a huge problem that many people have had to deal with. Using an online application system that focuses heavily on security is very important.
Do You Have U.S. ESTA VISA Travel Authorization? If You Have ESTA Application, Check if it is Still Valid!
Apply For Esta Visa NowCheck Esta Status NowYour Information Is Protected
At https:/// every possible step is taken to protect your information. The site uses the latest encryption technology to protect critical data. The US government will not share your information with third parties unless it is necessary to ensure your safety or to prevent a security risk.
Your information is never sold, shared or given to a third party. Every bit of information that you enter onto your application is protected and only provided to government agencies that need to know who you are to process your application for authorized travel. No one that is not part of the process will see your information. The encryption that is used on the server offers a completely secure environment.
Great steps are taken to protect your privacy. All of your information is entered on a highly secure site you never have to provide documentation or information to anyone unless an issue arises and your document numbers come under question. Since you do not have to hand off actual documents you are at a great advantage when it comes to protecting your personal information. The application does require some personal information but at no time do your documents have to leave your hands as long as you provide the correct information and everything checks out!
You Are One of the Few People That Can Review Your Information!
Every client is able to see their application and make changes on their own without having to share their information with anyone which of course greatly reduces the risk of any problems. You are one of the few people that can review your application.
Online security is very tight when it comes to the ESTA because the goal is to protect your identity so that the government in assured that the authorization is being given to the right person.
Using the online system actually reduces the potential threat of identity theft because no one has access to your information except for you and the government agency that you are petitioning to. It is a safer way to get your travel authorization.
Who Can See Your Information
There will be agents that are able to view your information and there will be government authorities that will view your information to make a decision about whether or not your application will be approved although the majority of the process is automated. The people that will see your information are vetted by their employing agencies and will be charged seriously if there is a breach of your information so you never have to worry about anyone misappropriating your information.
The only other time your information is shared is if there is suspected fraud and an investigation has to be opened by the agency that is in charge of making the approval decision.
The Old Days
Before this easy to use system was implemented, travel authorization had to come directly from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The process was slow and your documents changes many hands before they made it to the authorizing parties. This of course allowed for many opportunities for your documents to become lost, damaged and even stolen along the way.
Today the process is very streamlined and the potential for any theft is greatly reduced. As a matter of fact to date there has never been any misappropriation or information using this system. Since 2009 the ESTA has been online and making travel to the US easier than ever while making the environment for applying for travel safer than ever.
Of course privacy should always be a concern but not when you are using a system that is highly restricted to outsiders like the ESTA system is.
Your Safety Is a Priority
The whole idea behind the ESTA authorization is to keep travelers and US citizens safe from harm so it stands to reason that the ESTA system is kept extremely secure and off limits to anyone that does not have the best interest of the traveler in the forefront. Your safety is a priority so every step that needs to be taken has been taken to ensure that your information is always protected. The latest in server technology is used to keep prying eyes out.
One of the clear benefits of using https:/// is that we provide you with a private way to apply for the ESTA. We are not an open government agencies we are a private entity that affords you the privacy you need to present your information for approval. Through this system you are able to make changes to your application privately and securely. You can submit your application from the comfort of your own home so you know that no one is able to see the information you are entering. It is an easy private process that will help you to get the documents that you need to present to a carrier when traveling to the US.
Who Has To Apply
Any citizen of the VWP countries HAVE to apply for the ESTA if they want to travel to the US. Not applying is not an option. If you do not get your approval to travel to the US you will likely not be permitted to board any carrier that is headed to the United States. You will be stopped at the airport gate or if you try to board a ship you will be barred from boarding.
Your information is safe, your privacy is protected and it is something that you absolutely need! There is no way around it unless you want to go through the visa process but if you choose that avenue to travel to the US your critical information will be shared with many more people and the process takes quite a bit longer.
Do You Have U.S. ESTA VISA Travel Authorization? If You Have ESTA Application, Check if it is Still Valid!
Fill Esta Application NowCheck Esta Application Status NowRest Assured
You can rest easy knowing that your privacy and vital information is protected. File your application and have an approval as soon as tomorrow with minimal eyes seeing your information by using the services at https:///! Its fast, its safe and its secure!
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